Saturday, 24 March 2012

The Procraspiration...

Alas, 'tis the weekend. I am typing away in my friend's room, because, in an act to try and get something substantial done during our weekend of birthday fun, I have brought my 'work' with me so I can laze about watching episodes of The Good Wife do some catching up. But no, I'm rounding pictures that I like up to show you lovely people of blogsville. Times like these, school work loses all appeal, and... yeah...

1.) Living a dream is the only way to live. Really. 2) School kids prancing about the neighbourhood. I just love it. Plus I'm obsessing over black and white photographs these days... 3) possibly the best list ever made. nom nom. 4) I love how she looks like a modern day Zelda Fitzgerald. I want to become a flapper so bad, it hurts my intestines. 5) Need I explain? 6) Why yes, that is indeed me looking like... I don't know. You can decide.


I love you guys! *blows kisses* Lol...

The friendies...

InCASE you were wondering...

... none of these photos are mine, s'il vous plait. Unless you happen to see pictures of yours truly or whatever (which I beg you to ask for permission before you acquire), I own no claims whatsoever to the images.

Many thanks,