Monday, 26 March 2012

Sunday Kind of Love...

Etta James is exceptional. And I was listening to this song whilst battling one of my many courseworks, and, don't you know, it happens to also be a Sunday today. Isn't that just dandy? I seem to think it is!

Please do enjoy this beauty of a musical procession! Her voice, ohhhh may her voice live on!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Wow, i never knew Etta James sang this song. I've only ever heard it performed as a cover song but never knew who sang it. hmmm

  2. She did indeedy do!!!! Amazing right?


I love you guys! *blows kisses* Lol...

The friendies...

InCASE you were wondering...

... none of these photos are mine, s'il vous plait. Unless you happen to see pictures of yours truly or whatever (which I beg you to ask for permission before you acquire), I own no claims whatsoever to the images.

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